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Northwest Little League

Northwest Little League: Frequently Asked Questions

Q:  Where is NWLL located?

We are located at 3105 Hunt Trail in Austin, TX 78757. All regular season NWLL games and practice take place at these fields. 

FALL 2024 FAQs: 

Q:  When does registration open for the Fall 2024 season?

Registration period runs 8/1/24 - 8/30/24. Early bird pricing of $225 is available until 8/14/24. After 8/14/24 registration is $275. This is for ALL divisions. 

Q:  Are there tryouts in the Fall?

There are NO tryouts in the Fall season. Teams are formed by the division commissioner/coaches and announced one week prior to the start of the season. 

Q:  What are the Fall baseball divisions?

Advanced T-Ball - (Baseball age 6 and 5. Baseball age 5 players must have played Intro to T-Ball in Spring 2024 and will again be in intro t-ball in Spring 2025). There is no intro to T-ball division in the Fall.
Machine Pitch (Baseball age 7 and 8)
Texas League (Baseball age 8 and 9)
Minors (Baseball age 10 and 11)
Majors (Baseball age 11 and 12)
** These divisions are subject to change based on the enrollment per division. 

Note: "Baseball age" refers to the age of your child on 8/31/2025, not necessarily their current age. 
The system will automatically provide you with the correct division for your child based of the birthday you provided in the system. Click here for the little league age chart.

Q: Why are there fewer division options for the Fall season?

There are limited division options in the Fall due to the fewer number of players that typically register for the Fall season. We combine age groups and divisions in order to ensure that there are a sufficient number of teams for a successful season.

The Fall season is all about development so it's a great time for new players to come in and learn baseball.

Q:  How much does it cost to play?

Registration fees for Fall are as follows:

All Divisions:

Early registration: $225
Normal registration: $275

Q:  Can we request to play on the same team with friends? 

Requests to play with friends are considered only in the t-ball divisions.

Q:  When will the season begin and end? 

Practices will begin the week of 9/8/24 and games will begin the week after. The season will end the first or second week of November. 

Q:  How many practices per week? 

During our Fall season there is typically one practice per week which is held on Sunday between 12 pm - 6 pm. There will be no league activities on Saturdays due to other sports. 

Q:  How many games per week? 

During our Fall season there is typically 1-2 games per week. Games will be Monday - Thursday only. Game start times are as follows: T-ball, Machine Pitch and Texas League at 5:30 pm; Minors and Majors at 5:30, 6:30, or 7:30 pm. Coaches will ask teams to arrive at least 30 minutes to an hour prior to the game for warmups. 

Q:  What is your refund policy?

Refunds and cancellations are available, minus a $25 administrative fee, up until the close of registration. Once registration is closed, teams are formed, and we are unable to offer a refund.

If the season is cancelled for any reason, refunds will be given on a prorated basis. If the season has reached the halfway point at cancellation, there will be no refunds.

Q:  What gear/equipment will I need? 

NWLL will provide a cap and jersey. Players are responsible for providing their own pants, belt, socks, shoes, glove, bat and batting helmet with face guard. Coaches will specify sock and belt color. 

Q:  What type of bat is required for NWLL?

USA bats are required. 


We are excited to kick off the Spring 2024 season for NWLL Baseball! Registration runs 12/1/-23 - 1/14/24. There is NO early bird registration this year Some divisions will fill up so register early!

Note: "Baseball age" refers to the age of your child on 8/31/2025, not necessarily their current age. The system will automatically provide you with the correct division for your child based of the birthday you provided in the system. Click here for the little league age chart.

Tryouts will take place on Saturday, January 27, 2024.  Tryout times will be posted on the home page. The tryout make-up date is Monday, January 29th.  All players are expected to tryout (except t-ball divisions) so that we can make balanced, competitive teams. All players will make a team. 

Team formations will take place early February and we hope to have teams announced by mid-February with practices beginning immediately after teams are announced. Games will be played February 19th - May 4th.  As a reminder, we do not take special requests for a specific coach or to be with a specific friend.

Q:  What are the divisions for baseball (Spring 2024)?

Your player’s “baseball age” can be found using the little league age chart

Players who are Little League age twelve (12) play in the Majors division.
All players must try out, and teams are formed via draft. As per Little League rules. Generally there are up to three team activities per week (i.e., games, practices, and/or batting practices). Majors division teams will play through the end of May, and any player who elects to participate in the District 11 city tournament could potentially play through the end of June, depending on the team's performance. Players selected to an All-Star team could play through August depending on team success.

Players who are Little League age eleven (11) may elect during registration to try out with the Minors division or with the Majors Division. Players electing to try out with the Minors division will automatically play in the Minors division; players electing to try out with the Majors division are eligible to be included in the Majors division draft (although they are not guaranteed to be selected). Players not drafted into the Majors division will play in the Minors division.

Players who are Little League age ten (10) play in the Minors division.
All players must try out and teams are formed via draft. Generally, there are up to three team activities per week (i.e., games, practices, and/or batting practices). Minors division teams will play through the end of May, and any player who elects to participate in the District 11 city tournament could potentially play through the end of June, depending on the team's performance. Players selected to an All-Star team could play through August depending on team success.

Players who are Little League age nine (9) play in the Texas League division.
This division will be “kid pitch” throughout the season. All players are required to try out, and teams are formed via draft. Generally there are two or three baseball activities per week (i.e., games, practices, and/or batting practices). Teams typically play through the middle of May, and any player who elects to participate in the District 11 city tournament could play – depending on his team’s performance - through the end of June. Players selected to an All-Star team could play into July depending on team success.

Players who are Little League age eight (8) play in the Rookies division.
This division will start the season using coaches as pitchers and will transition to modified kid pitch for the second half of the season. All players are required to try out, and teams are formed via draft or as determined by the commissioner. Generally, there are two baseball activities per week (i.e., games, practices, and/or batting practices).  Teams will typically play through the middle of May, and any player who elects to participate in the District 11 city tournament could play through the end of June, depending on the team's performance.

Players who are Little League age seven (7) play in the Machine Pitch division.
This division focuses on basic skills development. All players are required to try out and teams are formed by the commissioner. Generally, there are two baseball activities per week (i.e., games, practices, and/or batting practices).  Teams will play through the middle of May, and any player who elects to participate in the District 11 city tournament could play – depending on his team’s performance - through the end of June.

Players who are Little League age six (6) play in the Advanced T-Ball division. 
In Advanced T-Ball, the players continue to learn the basic rules of the game. When batting, coaches throw the batter up to three pitches. If unsuccessful, they are required to hit from the tee. There are no tryouts, and players are assigned to teams by the division’s commissioner with some consideration given to keeping friends together (such requests can be made during online registration). Generally, there are up to two baseball activities per week (games and/or practices).

Players who are Little League age four (4) or five (5) play in the Intro to T-Ball division. 
The Intro to T-Ball division focuses on learning the basics of the game in a fun and supportive environment. Hitting is done exclusively off the tee. There are no tryouts, and players are assigned to teams by the division’s commissioner with some consideration given to keeping friends together (requests can be made during online registration). Generally, there are up to two baseball activities per week (games and/or practices).

Q:  Can baseball players “play up” a division (Spring 2024)?

Other than baseball players who are Little League age eleven (11) who are eligible to play up into Majors, NWLL will not be allowing play-up requests this spring. Click here for the little league age chart

Q:  Can baseball players “play down” a division?

We take very seriously the well-being of the players at Northwest Little League, and we do understand that all players' abilities do not progress at the same speed. While it is our desire to see our players move through the various divisions at Northwest as per their Little League age, there are rare occasions when it is clear that for safety reasons this is not in the best interest of the individual child. We believe that objectively evaluating the player's skill level relative to their Little League peers is an important part of the decision-making process, and so require that all players participate in tryouts as per the standard NWLL guidelines. If after tryouts are completed, it is determined that there is a meaningful safety risk associated with the player staying in the division with his Little League peers, NWLL will work with the families involved to find an alternative divisional placement if one exists.

Q:  What if my child can't make the scheduled tryout (Spring 2024)?

Only players ages 7 and up are required to tryout. Scheduled tryouts usually take place over the last weekend in January or the first weekend in February.  NWLL will schedule a weekday make-up tryout date for those players who cannot make their standard, scheduled tryout slot, although these make-up tryouts may not be used for players attempting to “play up.”

As AISD and LISD operate on different calendars, in some years our regularly-scheduled and make-up tryout dates occur during LISD winter break. When this is the case, NWLL will also offer an earlier tryout date for LISD students only. Players ages 7 and up who do not make any of the tryout dates are not guaranteed to be placed on a team.

Q:  When does the season begin (Spring 2024)?

Typically, the spring season begins with tryouts in late January or early February (for ages 7 and above).  Games typically begin the first week of March.  Please note that all baseball and softball activities are suspended for one week during AISD’s Spring Break.

For the Spring 2024 season, tryouts, practices and opening day dates are still being determined. Registration will open on December 1, 2023 and remain open for several weeks or until divisions fill up. As with everything else recently, NWLL is remaining flexible and will continue to make schedule decisions and adjustments as necessary to protect the health and safety of our players and volunteers.

Q:  What is a typical practice/game schedule (Spring 2024)?

Schedules are not determined until after registration is closed and teams are formed which should be early February. Practices will start mid-February with games starting at the end of February or the first weekend of March. Games can be any day of the week except Sunday. Saturday games will start between 9:00 am - 4:00 pm. Weekday games are at 5:30 and 7:30 pm. Expect them to run 2 hours. Some coaches will ask that kids show up an hour prior to the game to warm up.  Initial practices before games start can be any day including Sunday but, after games start, they generally get moved to Sundays only.  Games are not scheduled for the same day of the week; your child will play on different days of the week.

Q:  What All-Star baseball teams will be formed and when will teams be announced (Spring 2024)?

Northwest Little League expects to field at least three All-Star teams each summer – (1) a 12-year-old team (the “Williamsport Team”), (2) an 11-year-old team, and (3) a team comprised of 9 and/or 10-year-old players.  Teams are announced on June 1st of each year and are put together from eligible players based on coaches’ evaluations. To be eligible for an All-Star team, players must reside within the NWLL boundary. Additional all-star teams can be formed dependent on the players residence boundaries and coach availability.

Q:  How are the teams selected (Spring 2024)?

The upper division teams (Machine Pitch, Rookies, Texas League, Minors and Majors) are selected through a draft process after tryouts- special requests for teammates will not be accepted.  For the lower divisions (intro to t-ball and advanced t-ball), every effort is made to consider school and residence location when forming teams.  

Q:  How much does it cost to play (Spring 2024)?

Registration will run 12/1/2023 - 1/14/24. There is no early bird pricing this year. Registration fees for Spring 2024 are as follows:

Intro to T-Ball: $250
Adv T-Ball: $275  
Machine Pitch: $325  
Rookies: $325  
Texas League: $350
Minors: $375  
Majors: $375 

Q: How do I register for NW Softball? 

Northwest Softball is operating under their own website! Visit for league information and registration details.

Q: How do I register for NW Pony Baseball? 

Our Pony division operates under their own website! Visit for further information.

Q:  Does Northwest Little League offer financial aid to help with registration fees?

Yes.  Financial aid of up to 50% of registration fees are available for families residing within league boundaries and who are experiencing financial hardships.  Please contact our registration team at [email protected] to request assistance.

Q:  What forms of payment does Northwest Little League accept?

Registration fees may be paid with either MasterCard, Visa or Discover credit cards.  We also accept Visa Debit Cards.

Q:  May I request for my child to play with a certain coach and/or with friends?

For players with ages 4 to 6 we will do our best to accommodate requests to play with a coach (presuming he or she is coaching in the child’s division) or with friends, but we cannot guarantee that all requests will be granted.  Please note that most of the teams are formed with the players school in mind, so chances are you will be on a team with school mates. For players ages 7 and above we do not grant such requests because teams are put together via tryouts and drafts in order that the competition is balanced.

Q:  What equipment do I need to provide?

NWLL will provide a jersey and cap to each player, and coaches will have access to team catcher’s gear (as appropriate).  Players are responsible for providing their own baseball pants, belt, socks, and shoes, along with their glove, bat, and batting helmet.  NWLL does not allow the player to use batting helmets without a face guard and bat barrels cannot exceed 2 5/8 inches in diameter. These bats must also be compliant with the new Little League standards (USA Bats)

Q:  Can the fields be rented for parties or special events?

The fields are owned by the City of Austin and not available for personal use.

Q:  Can I make a donation to Northwest Little League online?

Yes! Donations can be made through our online store. A donation to NWLL that will be used to support financial aid provided to needy families, to help support general operations at NWLL, or to support specific items or initiatives. Donations are a great way to support baseball and softball at NWLL, and we thank you in advance for your support!

Q:  May I purchase a sponsorship online?

Yes! Sponsorship purchases can be made through our online store. We have various sponsorship levels that you can read about on our sponsorships page. We thank you in advance for your support!

For additional questions, please take a look at our Board of Directors page and you will be able to contact the board member responsible for the area in question.  Thanks!